To be clear, these 10 stupid reasons to be either in favour or against an Independent Scotland are not mine, but I found them so silly, strange or disturbing, that I decided to post them separately in this blog.
- Being Pro Independence, because you don't like or even hate the English
Voting for Scottish Independence has nothing to do with hating the English or revenge for anything that happened in the past. It's a political matter to move the governing powers closer to home where it matters. It's the right for Scottish People to have self-determination and decide what is best for Scotland.
- Being Against Independence, because you don't like or even hate Alex Salmond/Nicola Sturgeon
You're not voting for a person. You're voting to move powers to Scotland. At the moment the most crucial laws and policies are made in England even if they concern Scotland. First ministers come and go, but the decision about Independence is a choice for making a better future for Scotland. When Scotland becomes independent, a new government will be chosen soon after. Like a real democracy we can choose who we want as our Prime minister.
- Being Pro Independence, because you don't like or even hate Tories
Voting Yes will not guarantee the tories ever to rule again in Scotland. However unlike the English 'one party rules system', a Scottish Democracy is usually driven by a coalition of Parties that will decide our future, so compromises will be made in the interest of all people and not just one particular group of people.
- Being Against Independence, because you don't vote SNP
Please remember, you will not be voting for a political party, but for moving goverment powers from Westminster to Scotland. After Independence we can vote for any political party.
Even better, this time the political party we choose will actually be in ruling position, unlike the current system where Scottish voters have voted SNP or Labour and still ended up with Tories and LibDems in Westminster
- Being Against Independence, because you believe Scotland is too 'wee' to be its own country
All parties and sides have concluded that Scotland has what it takes to be independent. Scotland has the people, the resources and the finances to run an independent country.
Even many people from the conservatives have finally admitted that Scotland has more than enough to be its own country, but England needs Scotland for its resources.
- Being Pro Independence, because you believe we will be filthy rich
Yes, the people of Scotland will probably be better off financially, economically and socially, but don't think we're going to be swimming in money. We need to set up tax offices and other services that are now centralised in England. This creates job, but also costs money.
- Being Against Independence, because you are English and living in Scotland
If you are born in England, it doesn't automatically mean you have to vote against independence. Just check out what you think on certain matters and make a decision based on facts.
- Being Against Independence, because you think you won't be able to visit family in England
You don't need permission to go abroad. You can drive through many European countries without border control, so you can visit anyone you like on both sides.
- Being Against Independence, because you think we will not have a currency
If England doesn't want to share the currency, we have good news, because we'll start as a Debt-free country! Because how can we pay off a debt in a currency we don't have. If we do get to share the currency, but become two independent nation, I also have good news, because there are many other countries that share a currency and are totally independent. So, what actually is the big deal?!
- Being Against Independence, because you are scared of change
Change is going to happen, whether you say Yes or No. In fact, by saying NO, you will have less control over the changes that are going to change, because the government who makes these decisions is still in Westminster.