Independent Scotland

This site is a personal effort to combine online resources on topics like Independence, Devolution and the Referendum. You can participate by posting news, links, blogs and tell us about events related to Independence happening in your area.

How do you feel about Scottish Independence?

We would really like to hear your opinion on how you feel about Scottish Independence. Complete our anonymous survey by answering nine questions and we can tell you if an Independent Scotland would be beneficial for you or not.

Find out more



Yes.Scot is the official campaign site for an Independent Scotland.

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Is an independent Scotland economically viable?

Scotland can afford to be an independent country. As even those who argue against independence now acknowledge, the viability of an independent Scotland is not in any doubt. They show Scotland in a stronger fiscal position than the UK as a whole over the last five years to the tune of £12.6 billion.

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Can Scotland become independent?

YES! We believe that since the referendum from 2014 support for Scottish Independence has increased dramatically. We've now reached a critical mass supporting Independence. It's time for an Independent Scotland.

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The National

The National is the ONLY newspaper that supports an independent Scotland.

Go to the National

Critical mass reached for an Independent Scotland

73% of the visitors who participated in our survey in 2014 have said YES in favour of moving powers from the UK Government to the Scottish Parliament.

Below are the results from our survey filled in by more than 150,000 visitors before the referendum in 2014.


73 YES for moving more powers to Scottish Parliament


21 NO for moving more powers to Scottish Parliament

Why Vote Yes?   Why Vote No?

  Our Statistics

Below are the statistics of our website in the run up till the Referendum in 2014
(1st January 2014 - 18th September 2014)

Visitors filled in the IV-i survey
Visitors submitted the IV-i survey anonymously
73% said YES
to move powers from Westminster to the Scottish Parliament, based on the IV-i survey

Shares on Social Media (from August)
Clicks from Social Media (from August)

Thank you for your support on

We believe that the people of Scotland should have the right to self determination for their future with an independent country. Together we can create a prosperous society, where education and health care are an essential and equal right to all, not simply for those than can afford it.

We stand for the ancient principle that in Scotland, the people are sovereign.

  • Monarchs/parliaments and politicians are the servants of the people, not self-appointed dictators;
  • Profit is okay, but not greed;
  • Reward is fine, but not avarice;
  • Trade is essential, but exploitation is not.

As an independent country we can set in motion a new age of Enlightenment; not just as patriots of Scotland, but as patriots of the cause for a democratic, socially just, and an Enlightened society. We believe we should stand independently alongside our neighbours in these celtic islands as United Kingdoms, in synergy and strength, in friendship and common values.

One day soon Scotland will become a new and proud nation, with a people united in the the belief that there is a better way, a greener way and a fairer way. We have all the ingredients of a very successful country in absolutely every sense of the word, all we need now is the will and determination of the Scottish people to achieve this.

We seek to nurture and develop that will, to share ideas, to identify state bias and injustice under the staus quo.

J.P. Atsma and Gavin Mitchell


This site is not about dividing people.
This site is not about nationalism.
This site is about showing what is best for the people of Scotland.