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Bella Caledonia
Bella Caledonia is an online magazine (launched in 2007) exploring ideas of independence, self-determination and autonomy. Bella is edited and run by Mike Small.
Bella Caledonia (facebook)
Bella Caledonia is an online magazine (launched in 2007) exploring ideas of independence, self-determination and autonomy. Bella is edited and run by Mike Small.
Build: Bridges to Indy
the Scottish Independence Convention will hold a national conference called Build: Bridges to Indy in Edinburgh’s Usher Halls on Saturday 4th November 2017.
Category: events
Business for Scotland
Business for Scotland is a campaigning business network and think tank. We are a passionate about unlocking Scotland’s potential by promoting policies that will create sustainable ...
Can Scotland become independent?
YES! We believe that since the referendum from 2014 support for Scottish Independence has increased dramatically. We've now reached a critical mass supporting Independence. It's ti...
Category: articles
Celebrities supporting Independence
National Collective’s Ross Colquhoun was challenged by a Unionist friend to name 20 artists and creatives who support independence – he managed to name 50. This is the list.
EU Citizens for an Independent Scotland
This page is for EU Citizens of all nationalities who have made Scotland their home and support independence for Scotland
Forward As One
Pro-Independence March and Rally to be held in the town of Dunfermline in the Park donated to the people by the industrialist Andrew Carnegie also know as Pittencrieff Park and fit...
Category: events
Great Repeal Bill may trigger 2nd Scottish Referendum
CommonSpace columnist Mark McNaught says the Great Repeal Bill could be a big opportunity for the independence movement to make the case for - and win - a second referendum. IN ret...
Category: articles
Highlands for independence
This page is set out to be a declaration by the people in the highlands of our wish to see Scotland return to being an independent nation.