UK: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (commonly known as the United Kingdom, the UK, or Britain) is a sovereign state located off the north-western coast of continental Europe. [wikipedia]

Results for UK

  • Is an independent Scotland economically viable?

    Scotland can afford to be an independent country. As even those who argue against independence now acknowledge, the viability of an independent Scotland is not in any doubt. They s...

  • A Letter to the People of Scotland

    On Thursday the people of Scotland will vote in in one of the most historic events in Scottish history; "Should Scotland be an independent country?"
    Category: articles

  • Can Scotland become independent?

    YES! We believe that since the referendum from 2014 support for Scottish Independence has increased dramatically. We've now reached a critical mass supporting Independence. It's ti...
    Category: articles

  • Different Brexit deal possible for Scotland

    There is a "strong case" for Scotland having different Brexit arrangements from the rest of the UK in some areas, peers have said. The Lords EU committee said the move could be nec...
    Category: news

  • Echinaforce 50ml

    Echinaforce® is a licensed traditional herbal remedy for colds and flu. It helps the body fight the symptoms of these infections by supporting the immune system, helping to maintai...
    Category: products

  • End political anarchy in the UK

    The only British politician to keep her head after the Brexit vote is Scotland’s Nicola Sturgeon. Why not find a way to put her in charge of steering a path through the Euro mess?
    Category: articles

  • International banks prepare for London ‘Br-exodus’

    The UK financial sector could face as many as 75,000 job losses if hard Brexit becomes a reality. According to updated research, the exodus may include 40,000 investment bankers, w...
    Category: articles

  • IV-i

    Hi, I'm IV-i the Independent Voting Indicator. I will frequently ask the visitors of the site their view about independence by answering a few questions.

  • Learning from NHS Scotland

    The health services of England, Wales and Northern Ireland could learn lessons from the Scottish NHS, according to a new report. The Nuffield Trust found that Scotland had a unique...
    Category: news

  • No, thanks?!

    You can now put a 'No, thanks' billboard into your own garden. Did you know that with this 'No, thanks' sign for Scottish Independence, you basically say no thanks to things that m...
    Category: articles