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About us
IndependentScotland.org is a non-profit initiative to inform the people of Scotland about the benefits and opportunities for Scotland to become an independent country.
10 Stupid reasons to be Pro or Against Scottish Independence
Some of the reasons I heard were too disturbing, silly, strange or unsettling to post under the 'valid reasons' to be 'Pro' or 'Against' Scottish Independence. These reasons have n...
Category: articles
A Letter to the People of Scotland
On Thursday the people of Scotland will vote in in one of the most historic events in Scottish history; "Should Scotland be an independent country?"
Category: articles
Can Scotland become independent?
YES! We believe that since the referendum from 2014 support for Scottish Independence has increased dramatically. We've now reached a critical mass supporting Independence. It's ti...
Category: articles
Detailed Survey
Compare what each party is promising to do, and make an informed decision about who to vote for at the 2015 general election.
EU Citizens for an Independent Scotland
This page is for EU Citizens of all nationalities who have made Scotland their home and support independence for Scotland
Forces for Independent Scotland
This Group is about fighting the Westminster Government and major parties which are NOT in alignment with the SNP or the YES campaign and Yes parties.
Free Scotland
We believe Scotland should be an independent country because the best people to decide Scotland’s future are the people who care most about Scotland – those who live here.
Highlands for independence
This page is set out to be a declaration by the people in the highlands of our wish to see Scotland return to being an independent nation.
How Can I Be Guilty Of Treason When England Is Foreign To Me
This is a page screaming for an Independent Scotland. Sharing information on topics past and present that interest me..